We have the best prices for granite and quartz countertops in the market.
Because we are able to produce large volume at a very affordable price we are able to pass this savings on to you without sacrificing Quality!

Factory Direct Pricing. Come to the Factory to SAVE!
Restrictions may Apply, Subject to change without notice.
Expires 03/31/2025
Granite Countertops Starting at $36/SF installed!
Factory Direct Pricing. Come to the Factory to SAVE!
See Granite Colors
Restrictions may Apply, Subject to change without notice.
Expires 03/31/2025
Select 2cm Quartz Countertops Starting at $44/SF installed!
Factory Direct Pricing. Come to the Factory to SAVE!
See Quartz Colors
Restrictions may Apply, Subject to change without notice.
Expires 03/31/2025
Free Undermount Sink
50 SF or more countertop purchase to qualify. Restrictions may Apply, Subject to change without notice.